The current restrictions on non-contact sports is really a playing out of the national prejudice that exists towards people who play sports. There is this idea that sports is unimportant and this error is woven within the fabric of the society, and is also institutionalized. The prejudice is rampant in the educational system where the Science Department is seen as more important than the Physical Education Department. Students who do science subjects are seen as “smarter” and more “intelligent” than those who do physical education and other competence based subjects. In fact, there are some “high ranking” schools where students who wish to do Physical Education at the CSEC level must do so privately as the school will not entertain it. There are also Primary Schools where students are not allowed to play during Break.
The prejudice against sports is not a topic that you will hear being discussed, but the realities help to explain why the Ministry of Sports has no respect especially when the Ministry of Health is involved. The stop order is evidence that the medical doctors who are advising the Ministry of Health have no interest in sports. They have no care for sports or nor those whose giftedness allows them to excel at sports. In fact, in private settings they may even tell the student-athletes to find something more productive to do. These advisors are still living in the 1900s and they only give lip service to sports in order to not expose their true colors. Maybe they are trying to create more mental health cases in order to write another prescription. In medical circles the Sport Medicine doctors are seen as lesser and certainly don’t get the same level of respect as they deserve irrespective of their body of work. There are very few things that as a nation we are highly ranked among other nations and even fewer things that we are ranked in the Top 3 in the World. Undoubtedly, as the number 3 ranked nation in Track and Field, we have to find a way to resume the activity in which we are best ranked. Whether you are an individual or a nation, you will never be at your best if you don’t pursue that which you are best at.
The authorities have dismissed entirely, the measures that were proposed to make track and field competition areas safe – many times safer than any general public space. Explain to us what is so unsafe about doing Long Jump? What is so unsafe about throwing a Shot or running a 400m in your own lane? Why can’t the Cycling Federation get a permit to carry out an activity (bicycle riding) that thousands of citizens are doing every day? The continued suspension is crippling a sector for no scientific or medical reason.
It therefore leads the discerning among us to conclude that the suspension of sports has nothing to do with COVID-19 but instead, it reflects the prejudices that exists and what “they” think is important and what “they” think is not. This is unacceptable and we must demand better.
Prejudice At Play In Suspension of Sports

It is sad 😭😭😭 to know that the ministry and our government is telling a child/student that they only need to pursue there academic subjects and drop the idea of being a athlete ,even if it’s the only thing they are good at.